Interior Design

the DESIGN PROCESS Interior design is a rigorous process built on many decisions. Whether the project in question is new construction or pre-existing, a studio apartment or a grand domicile, it requires a systematic, orderly, and organized approach. A specific sequencing of events is necessary to get from concept to completion. Planning ahead, thinking through myriad problems in advance, and sizing up one's needs and spatial constraints to determine the most appropriate and inspired solution are indispensable skills. From day one, every element-from the tiniest detail to the most comprehensive architectural modification- needs to be considered as a whole and managed with informed decision making, scrupulous oversight, and a lot of quick thinking, as things can and will inevitably go awry. Anyone who takes on a serious design project discovers the unexpected complexity of the interior design. Intertwined decisions lead to creative and operational challenges. Even seasoned pros confess that much of their work involves troubleshooting and problem solving and that's part of the fun. For design enthusiasts of all stripes, the excitement of seeing a vision fulfilled trumps the hiccups that occur along the way.